What path leads to innovation success?
Design thinking combined with an open innovation model
Businesses that commit to our open innovation approach benefit from many advantages.
Among them are speed to market, removing blind spots, focusing on needs and not technology, and effectively driving towards business value creation.
Your Q.Inc collaborators add structured design thinking to the process to create market driven solutions that are also technologically and economically viable.
Easing the pains of launching new products
Building and testing physical functional prototypes takes time, resources and commitment
Keen judgement and deep technical understanding are required to balance trade-offs in technology, design and user needs
Implementation prototyping and testing must be finely balanced between the technology readiness level and customer expectations
We address issues in the critical early stages of deep tech and hardware product development. The track record of our evolved approach to collaborative design thinking and open innovation speaks for itself.
Think, design, make
Design thinking is a widely adopted framework we apply to our process.
What makes our methodology different is our open innovation with deep technology startups. We transform their science and research into real concepts then rapidly engineer and build a functional PoC to test and validate ideas.
We also do the reverse and help corporations leverage their in-house expertise and IP with the goal of new business value creation. The outcomes are new products, markets and business opportunities.
We involve the deep tech startup early in the process to ideate with the corporate partner and identify, prioritize and focus on needs
Designers, engineers, corporate team members iterate and produce multiple concepts
Our engineers rapidly design, fabricate and build a functional PoC to demonstrate the concept
Which innovation model is right for you?
Inbound innovation
We identify appropriate collaborators from our network of startups. The startup brings a team or technology relevant to your new products. We then build a proof-of-concept to demonstrate.
Outbound innovation
We work with a corporate partner’s internal IP and resources to create new products with applied technology. From this we create a proof-of-concept.
Comprehensive innovation development support services
Create breakthrough ideas from applied technology
Deep tech validation through proof-of-concept development
Business model development and creation
User and market research to inform and validate concepts
Trade-off and feasibility analysis to validate business value
Stakeholder identification and alignment
Ideation lab + design studio + venture capital
We help you innovate in the context of the entire new product development cycle – which we can also execute as part of Q.Inc.